A New Beginning:

This summer I am away from home and discovering new passions. I am living with a family, working at Dutch Bro's coffee, taking an online class and more. Since I have been at college I have been developing a love for baking and discovering new delicious treats. I have decided that this summer I would start baking more and writing about what I bake on this site. These recipes are not mine, I am using ones I find just to learn and have fun! Hope you enjoy reading and learning new treats to fill your kitchen with!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Day 26 Blender Cookies

Today I made Kris Flinn's famous Blender cookies! They taste amazing and are just like oatmeal cookies but you put the oatmeal in the blender before you bake them. This way it is very thick like more flour is added. Kris likes to just estimate her measurements and I always follow the rules so we like to talk trash at each other while baking together. Marshall helped by pressing the blender button haha. We made these because they happen to be Mitchell's favorite and we wanted to send him some. They taste great. I am waiting for the camera to charge so pictures will come soon! Here is the pictures and those are the new shoes that marshall and I got together! haha my favorite color, it was buy one, get one 1/2 half.

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