A New Beginning:

This summer I am away from home and discovering new passions. I am living with a family, working at Dutch Bro's coffee, taking an online class and more. Since I have been at college I have been developing a love for baking and discovering new delicious treats. I have decided that this summer I would start baking more and writing about what I bake on this site. These recipes are not mine, I am using ones I find just to learn and have fun! Hope you enjoy reading and learning new treats to fill your kitchen with!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 5-the cupcake kitchen

Today was a very fantastic day! My BFF Emilee Sidener is home for a break from working at her camp for a week. Her mother Marcie was having a BBQ tonight and invited me to come and surprise Em. I walked in the door and she looked at me and said, "You butt head, you lied to me!" I was texting her and telling her that we should skype "tonight" and then I walked in her front door. Well her mother happens to be a "professional" cupcake maker, Marcie's Cupcake Kitchen. We made Banana Split Cupcakes. They were really easy to make, especially since she has everything you could think of for making them. She even has a pink kitchen aid....I would love an Orange one (hint: mom). They have mashed bananas in the recipe and then we added the toppings to make it look just like a banana ice cream split! I would love to stay here and make everything with Marcie. She might have been one of the inspirations my freshman year that lead to me baking more. If you haven't checked out her business website you should,
www. marciescupcakes.com The camera for the pictures isn't working so those will have to come later! Sorry!

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